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Best Foods To Lower Cholesterol Safely And Naturally

The cholesterol in blood comes from two main sources: the foods we eat and what we manufacture. Cholesterol levels that are too high or too low in the blood can be a very dangerous factor, often leading to a heart attack or a stroke. 

There are many people who take statin drugs to reduce their cholesterol. However, there are many natural foods that you can eat to help lower cholesterol safely and naturally without the use of dangerous statin drugs. 

You may notice a substantial improvement in your cholesterol level once you begin consuming these whole foods containing phytosterols on a daily basis. 

Phytosterols (referred to as plant sterol and stanol esters) are a group of naturally occurring compounds found in plant cell membranes. Because phytosterols are structurally similar to the body's cholesterol, when they are consumed they compete with cholesterol for absorption in the digestive system.

Here is a list of Top Natural Foods which helps to maintain a healthy cholesterol level in the body.

1. Oat Bran And Brown Rice Bran 

Oat Bran and Brown Rice Bran are the best foods for reducing cholesterol. They are rich in phytosterol and soluble fiber, thereby lowers cholesterol levels by binding fats and heavy metals.

2. Fruits And Vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables (organic) alone may help lower cholesterol as effectively as statin drugs! They help prevent oxidation of bad cholesterol and are super abundant in antioxidants and phytosterol. The following fruits and vegetables contains the highest amount of phytosterol.

  • Strawberry – 10 mg per 100 g serving
  • Blueberry – 26.4 mg per 100 g serving
  • Banana – 16 mg per 100 g serving
  • Lettuce – 38 mg per 100 g serving
  • Broccoli – 49.4 mg per 100 g serving
  • Red onion – 19.2 mg per 100 g serving
  • Carrot - 15.3 mg per 100 g serving
  • Corn – 70 mg per 100 g serving
  • Brussels sprouts – 37 mg per 100 g serving
  • Spinach (frozen) – 10.2 mg per 100 g serving

3. Fish 

Fish is a good source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids, which has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids also help to lower triglyceride levels. The best fish in terms of reducing cholesterol are as follows:

  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Sword Fish
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Halibut 

4. Garlic 

Add garlics to your daily diet. It contains allicin and have a powerful antioxidant effect which helps to lower the cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

5. Two Apple's A Day 

In a research conducted by Scientist in USA it was found that consuming two apple's a day help the body to maintain and reduce the cholesterol level and also decreases the chance of heart attacks and stroke. Apple contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Apple's two kinds of fiber are useful for reducing cholesterol levels and for decreasing your risk of hardening of the arteries, stroke, and heart attack. Apple's insoluble fiber works to remove LDL from the body, while apple's fiber pectin reduces the amount of LDL cholesterol made in the liver.

6. Nuts 

Nuts are abundant in fiber, phytonutrients and antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium. Nuts also contain plant sterols and the healthy fats (mono-and polyunsaturated).

7. Beans 

Beans are high in soluble fiber; lowers the bad cholesterol and raises the good cholesterol. Other foods high in soluble fiber include lentils, peas, and ground flaxseeds.

8. Olive oil 

As compare to other liquid Oil, Olive oil has been more effective to reduce LDLs, raise HDLs, and it is also rich in antioxidants. Although using liquid vegetable oils such as canola, sunflower, safflower, groundnut and others in place of butter, lard, or shortening when cooking or at the table helps lower LDL.

9. Soy protein 

Studies show that a total daily intake of 25 grams of soy protein significantly lowers LDL cholesterol levels. Soy has a high amount of polyunsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. 

Soy products like tofu and soy milk/yogurt are also a great replacement for animal (dairy) products.

It's important to keep in mind that cholesterol is found only in animal products, not plant foods. Therefore, eating fewer animal foods and more plant foods will lower the blood cholesterol. If you already have high cholesterol, temporarily changing to a vegetarian diet with fish and non-fat dairy products, such as yogurt may help lower your levels quickly.

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  1. Thanks for sharing such a important & useful information .😊


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