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4 Ways & 5 Benefits Of Keeping Your Child Healthy And Active

All of us understand how to keep our bodies fit and healthy, but what about the kids? Is feeding them green vegetables and healthy fruits enough to establish and maintain their good health?

Well the answer is No. Health and Fitness is just as important for kids as for adults and should in no way be overlooked or neglected, by simply considering that 'they are just kids they have stronger resistance and immunity'.

This is a misconception; the health of children should be dealt with just as much care as that of adults. And with the widespread use of gadgets that have left the mobility of our youth at a minimum it is now more important than ever before, to promote physical activities in them.

How to Make Your Kids Active and Healthy

• Say Yes to Sports 

Put the Gameboys and PCP's in the shelf for a change, and take your kids out in the fresh air and treat them with a good old-fashioned game of cricket, baseball, basketball, football or whichever sport you guys like playing together.

Besides spending some quality time together it'll give you a great opportunity to stay healthy together. Inhaling fresh air is known to relieve depression, anxiety and stress for both you and your child. And sports are also a great way to flex those muscles and burn those extra calories!

• Think outside the Box 

Being active does not necessarily require your kids to play sports. All kids are different; having different hobbies and interests. Motivate these interests and incorporate them with healthy living.

If they like dancing, dance a long with them to your favorite tunes, if they're fond of painting take their supplies out in the park and paint in the open fresh air and allow their imagination to flow, compete in running together or play hopscotch together. Set an example on how to live an active life.

By encouraging their interests and showing them how to incorporate it with healthy living your kids will have a broader and more productive mind-set compared to those kids who spend long hours playing video games and watching T.V.

• Take them on Walks or Jogs Together 

Teach your kids to appreciate the simple things in life: walk them to school for a change, or go on a morning jog together. Include them in the small fitness efforts you make for your own health and teach them their benefits.

• Enroll them in a Nursery 

Nurseries besides being an academically enlightening institution for young kids are also known to promote physical fitness and health in them. Send your kids to nurseries to avail this complete package of grooming. Your kids will be able to learn new skills and activities, make new friends, learn valuable academic lessons and play plenty of sports and games; leading to a much more active and healthy lifestyle.

Surely it's understandable that it's not always easy to make time for the kids especially after the endless amount of work the day throws at us. But the little small efforts that one makes are usually the ones that make the most difference. Teaching your child to live a healthy lifestyle today will inevitably determine his well-being in the future.

Benefits Of Keeping Your Child Healthy And Active

With the continuing change that the world is experiencing, more and more children from all over the world are suffering from a case of obesity. This is brought about by the lifestyle change that progress demands. It has never been more important for parents and guardians alike to make sure their kids have a healthy lifestyle. Obesity, if not addressed can cause serious health problems in childhood and later in life. Children will benefit physically, mentally, socially and academically from a healthy lifestyle of proper nutrition and exercise.

But what benefits exactly does a healthy living have on children? What good does a healthy lifestyle give? There are actually a lot of benefits a healthy living brings, but I'll be mentioning the top five (5).

Top 5 Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle for Kids

1. Healthy body

A child who eats right and exercises regularly will have a physically healthy body that can lower risk from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and more. These conditions are usually associated with obesity. 

2. Better Mental Health

Aside from physical health, a healthy lifestyle will also provide better mental health. Proper diet and exercise helps children handle mental challenges well. A healthy lifestyle provides better sleep at night and more energy to make children feel better mentally. It can also lessen depression. 

3. Benefits Socially 

Healthy kids also benefits socially. Physically active and healthy kid usually has high self-esteem and will help him make friends easily. Kids who join sports or other physical activities are more likely to make friends than those who stay in front of the TV and computer. 

4. Benefits emotionally

Healthy kids are also more likely to benefits emotionally. They'll have high self-esteem because they feel better about their appearance physically. They'll also be more confident in themselves in socializing with other children. 

5. Benefits academically

Lastly, kids who have healthy lifestyle benefits academically. Children who eat properly, exercise regularly, and get ample sleep have the physical and mental energy to deal with academic challenges daily. They are also able to retain their lessons well than kids who have unhealthy lifestyle. 

These are just some of the benefits that children who have a healthy lifestyle experience. It's important for parents and guardians to monitor and guide their children to live healthy. If not addressed properly, children will feel suffer serious health problems because of obesity. As they say, prevention is always better than the cure. So a child who is healthy will live a better life than those who are not.

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